
Hey there!

I’m X Almendarez and this is my nth attempt on a blog. Hopefully I post something that might interest you.

#Taiwanderful photos!

#Taiwanderful photos!

I really didn't know what to expect with our Taiwan trip and if I'm being really honest, I was readying myself for disappointment - I've been to Japan and Korea fairly recently and both are very beautiful countries. So I was pleasantly surprised when Taiwan kept my interest for the duration of the trip and even made me wish that we scheduled an additional day or two so we could enjoy the place more.

What I found refreshing in Taiwan is the multitude of very different places that can be seen so that's where I'll start first - a photo essay of Taiwan. I think I will still be adding more pictures to this gallery but in the meantime, enjoy!




Going Loco at Ilocos!

Going Loco at Ilocos!